Hi, I'm Carrie

After visiting Coronado in 1991, I requested my next Navy job be in here in the hopes I could raise my family here. In 1994 my wish was granted and I was assigned to Commander Naval Air Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet as a staff judge advocate in 1994 and then as the general counsel for what is now Naval Base Coronado.
After being medically retired in 1999, I went back to law school and obtained a second law degree, a Master of Laws in Environmental Law and land use from the University of San Diego (USD) School of Law.
I opened my practice, the Law Offices of Carrie Anne Downey in Coronado, providing regulatory, land use, environmental and energy advice to governments and private clients. In addition to practicing law, I enjoy teaching young lawyers, and for 15 years I have taught a class in Energy Law & Policy at USD Law School.
I was honored to serve as your Coronado City Councilmember from 2004-2012. I took two years off and was happy to be reelected to serve from 2014-2018. I am seeking reelection after a four-year hiatus to serve our community again.
​​My husband, Elton Inada, and our five children, Rebecca, Charlotte, Samantha, Dustin and Noah give me good reasons to care about the quality of life in Coronado. Over the years I have spent a good deal of my time volunteering for worthy causes in Coronado. In addition to serving on the City Council, those efforts range from civic organizations to the arts and particularly anything in support of children.
Coronado Promenade Concerts (CPC) was a labor of love. I was proud to help Floyd Ross back in 2010, form the 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization that would help to grow and sustain our over 50 year tradition of providing free Sunday concerts each summer in Spreckels Park. I have served on the CPC Board of Directors since our inception as the volunteer legal counsel and am proud of our work to keep the free summer concerts available for all who come and enjoy them.
I have been a member of, and served as, president of the Coronado Woman’s and Coronado Junior Woman’s Club and the Coronado Lion’s. I enjoy raising money for CHS Scholarships, collecting eyeglasses for the sight impaired, and cooking food for women at Rachel’s House, a San Diego women’s homeless shelter. This year, I was very humbled when the City of Coronado presented me with the VADM Edward H. Martin Distinguished Community Service Award.
All of my accomplishments for the past 27 years have happened in spite of my diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in 1994. While MS currently limits my ability to stand or walk for extended periods it doesn’t dampen my boundless energy and ability to adapt. I would like to direct this energy, with your vote and support, to continue service to our town as a member of the City Council.
Thank you for your consideration of my request to serve Coronado once again!